Our Process

We schedule a free consultation call

We will arrange a scheduled call where we can engage in a thorough discussion about your project, laying the groundwork for a deep understanding and the development of a customized and highly effective solution for your unique needs. Plus, you will meet our dedicated team!

(45 min)

Fill out questionnaire

After the call, you will receive a comprehensive questionnaire. This enables us to gain insights into your project, its specific needs, and your goals, ensuring a tailored approach to meet your requirements.

(1 – 2 work days)

Follow up meeting

Gathering all insights we will start out project kick-off. Depending on the complexity of your project and whether it requires more customized solutions beyond our standard offerings, we will also assess if a paid discovery phase is necessary.

(45 – 60 min)

Nexbea Discovery
(if needed in more complex projects)

If a detailed discovery phase is needed, during this time, we perform an in-depth analysis to create a comprehensive plan, summarizing all project details and engineering requirements to ensure a well-informed approach.

(1 – 4 weeks)

Proposal and Implementation

Once the plan is finalized and the details are well-defined, we create a comprehensive proposal that includes a final cost estimation. Upon your approval, we move forward with the engineering work, bringing your project to life with our expertise and dedication in just 1 – 8 weeks!

(1 – 8 weeks, depending on complexity)

That’s it! Now sit back and enjoy your benefits.

With your project successfully implemented, you can now fully enjoy the seamless integration and the benefits it brings. We want you to have a worry-free experience, which is why we also offer support plans to ensure that your project continues to operate smoothly and we take care of any potential challenges that may arise. Your satisfaction and success are our priorities.

Start to improve your business processed Today!

We offer plugin that will synchronize your data between Craft CMS and NetSuite to improve these challanges.
Try our plugin solution Today and improve your business!